Bogart McAvoy
What kind of maker are you? (please include ALL mediums in which you create your art/craft)
Fabricator in steel, aluminum, wood, concrete, digital design and fabrication, paper construction, photography, writing.
What inspired you to start making?
I think a combination of my father being a carpenter, my mother being a seamstress and things like lincoln logs and erector sets.
Where are you based out of?
Salt Fucking City!!!
What do you do for work currently?
I am gainfully underemployed, been working on a Toyota Land Cruiser restoration and Overland buildout.
What is the most engaging part of building for you? What do you enjoy most? What do you enjoy least?
The most engaging part is imagining through the process of what building something will entail. Much like when we are asked to describe our home, or route to work we visualize the experience so deeply we are almost transported to that place. When I am working through a design problem in my head I am taken away from my current time/space 'reality' and get lost in imagining various solutions.
I enjoy the initial stages quite a lot, the planning, the going to various suppliers to acquire the materials needed.
I least enjoy the almost surreal expansion of time that is how long things take, in reality, as compared to how long we imagine it will take.
When do you feel most inspired?
I tend to feed off of others' inspiration, so when someone has an amazing idea, but doesn't exactly know how to manifest it, I get very excited about how to solve a particular series of problems.
Where do you want to take your building and designing skills? What do you hope to learn and do with your career?
That is a fantastic question, I went to school thinking I would be an architect, but have not ended up pursuing that path. I did learn a great deal about craft, presentation, and communication as they relate to design, but in all honesty I am still searching for the/a way to best express myself creatively in the making space.
What are some of the biggest challenges you face as a custom builder and designer?
I find that I am willing to spend endless time on projects where money is not involved, but as soon as there is money associated I get concerned with what my time is 'worth'.
What are some pieces that you’ve made that you are the most proud of?
I have built a few custom bicycle frames that I am proud of, I built and installed a dark sky exhibit at the Utah Museum of Natural History (alongside Chris Proctor) that I think turned out very well.
What is your favorite tool/instrument/toy right now?
Blackwing pencils and pencil sharpener, Starret combo square, story pole tape measures, millermatic MIG aluminum spool gun....
Favorite design style: (This can include interior design, photography, painting, architecture, anything!)
modernist, minimal
What skill do you most want to learn?
woodworking, in particular cabinetry and timber framing
Favorite thing to listen to while you work:
either podcasts or Spotify Daily Mixes
Favorite outfit/footwear to wear to work:
i am terrible about work clothes, but i do have a custom apron that i like quite a bit, it is Carhart duck canvas and leather, the pockets are completely custom so the pencil pockets angle to how i slide them in and the box knife pocket is perfectly aligned so i don't have to think about putting it back after each use...
Favorite post-work activity to unwind:
either gin and tonics or bike riding
Favorite food:
anything fresh, homemade and prepared with love...
Favorite band:
to see live David Byrne, if i could only listen to one band ever again either The Rolling Stones or The Beastie Boys (these both come with caveats, but too lengthy to go into here)
Favorite place you’ve traveled:
Istanbul, but mostly because it left me wanting to know it so much more.
Place you want to travel to most and why:
Africa, because it scares the fuck out of me (similar for India)
If you could collaborate with one maker/artist (living or dead) who would it be?
Paco Prieta
Where can people contact you and find out more about you?
You may send a postcard or letter to Post Office Box 526103 SLC, UT 84152